10/ 1, 2002

MadPlayer [Instruments and Gear ]

MadPlayer。なんだか面白そうだけど日本未発売。Web ページは Flush を仕込んだ新しめの Internet Explorer でないとうまく見られないようです。

Q: What is the MadPlayer
A: The MadPlayer is the world's only Generactive digital music player. The MadPlayer is a hand-held, multi-functional, exceptional-sounding portable music player/recorder based on MadWaves・proprietary Generactive・Music Technology, which generates copyright-free music users can play with, change, listen to and share with others.

Posted by masato at 12:37 PM
このエントリーのトラックバックURL: http://bird.dip.jp/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/257

